Monday, 24 April 2017

How to Prevent Cataract through Natural Home Remedies

For most people, the development of cataract is a slow and gradual process and doesn’t disrupt vision early on in life. But with age and ageing, it might begin to interrupt your daily life leading to a dire need for eyeglasses. It may also lead to surgery in a few severe cases; however, it is an extremely safe and effective procedure. But I’m sure reaching that stage is not exactly the kind of situation you imagine yourself in. So, the question is how to slow down cataract.

Image result for Cataract Surgery, Best Cardiologist in India medanta

Here are a few natural remedies that do not involve doctors, clinics and needles; a few lifestyle changes and precautionary measures you can make in order to prevent cataract and protect your vision:

1. Leafy greens, bell peppers, and carrots. 
Eat more spinach, kale, and Swiss chard – all rich in the carotenoid, lutein. Cartenoids help to absorb damaging blue and near-ultraviolet light to protect your vision. Bell peppers are another rich source of cartenoids. Incorporate red bell peppers in your diet as they are full of the ‘good-for-eyes’ Vitamin C. Carrots and other orange-coloured fruits and vegetables are extremely nutritious for the eyes too as they contain Beta-carotene, a type of vitamin A that gives these foods their colour. Beta-carotene is a vision booster.

2. Eggs
Eggs contain the omega-3 fatty acid DHA. They are the most readily available source of carotenoids, which are more easily absorbed by the body from eggs than from vegetables because of the fats that the eggs contain. So make sure you make eggs a sufficient enough part of your diet.

3. Nuts & Seeds
Most types of nuts and seeds are extremely rich in vitamin E. Vitamin E helps protect the cells in our eyes from the free radicals. An ounce of sunflower seeds or almonds a day and you are done with more than a third of your recommended daily dose of E. Omega-3s is another dietary must-have if keeping your eyes healthy is a priority. Walnuts and pistachios are extremely rich in Omega-3s.

In case of confusion, we’d recommend you visit an ophthalmologist and get a detailed consultation plus dietary chart customized for you. Medanta, known for one of the best teams of cardiologists in India, also provide with an expert team of ophthalmologists that could guide you with detailed information regarding eye-care and cataract surgery as well.

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